Knife Design to Knife Making: How To Get Started

Knife Design to Knife Making: How To Get Started - Liong Mah Design

I want to be in the knife busines

Throughout my journey in knife design and knife making, I often encounter individuals expressing a desire to enter the knife business. However, I question whether there is a perfect answer to this. I hope that I can provide some valuable insights on how to embark on this path.

Undeniably, knives are useful and fascinating tools that have been around for thousands of years and have served multiple purposes from hunting to cooking.

In recent years, the knife business has grown significantly, with more people taking an interest in owning and collecting high-quality knives. This increased demand has led to more opportunities for people looking to get into the knife business.

As the knife business continues to thrive and attract more enthusiasts, it’s important to have a clear direction before embarking on this journey. Before diving into the world of knives, it’s crucial to evaluate your interests and strengths, considering the specific area you want to be involved in.

Whether it’s sales, marketing, design, or management, understanding your niche will pave the way for a successful venture in this ever-growing industry. I thought it would be helpful to put together a few relevant ideas for you to consider if diving into the knife business is something you’re keen on.

Knife Design to Knife Making: How To Get Started

Things to do before entering the knife business

Determine Your Area Of Interest

Think about the area in the knife business you would like to be a part of. The first step to getting into the knife business is to determine what area you want to be a part of.

What is it that interests you about the knife business? Would you be into sales, marketing, doing videos or reviews, logistics, design, or management?

Starting a knife-selling business also requires thorough planning and an understanding of the products, the process, and the market.

Each area has its unique challenges and requires different skill sets, so exploring your strengths may be beneficial for you and the business to help you get ahead a lot faster.

Knife Design vs. Knife Making

Knife design can be both a part of knife making and a completely separate process. There are designers who specialize in crafting knife designs while collaborating with skilled knife makers to bring our designs to life.

They engage in this collaborative process because their expertise lies in the artistic vision of the knife, rather than the technical skills required for its production.

It is recommended that you understand the nuances of knife making to not only be a better designer but also to make the collaboration process smoother.

For a knife maker, one possesses the necessary skills to physically create the knife, and it’s common for many knife makers to also design their own knives.

However, some knife makers choose to collaborate with dedicated knife designers due to the finely honed skills and specialized expertise they bring to the table.

This recognition of complementary skills and the joint effort between the designer and the maker can ultimately lead to the creation of exceptional products.

Knife Design to Knife Making: How To Get Started

Start as a side gig - Don’t quit your day job

One of the most important pieces of advice I would give to individuals thinking about starting a business is to not quit your day job.

For me, when I’m passionate about something, I want to drop everything and just focus on what I want at that moment. However, in reality, there are far more things to consider than just passion. Starting a knife business requires more than just knowing and making knives.

We still have bills to pay, and it could also take time to establish yourself in the knife business. I’d recommend exploring it as a side gig and trying out a few areas that will help you develop some strengths.

Running a business involves other pressures beyond making knives, such as finding buyers, having money for materials, and keeping relevant records for tax purposes. These are tedious things that could affect how your knife business venture will go, so you will need a safety net to fall back on when things don’t go the way you planned.

Above everything, it’s essential to have a steady income during the early stages of your business to support yourself and your family. Additionally, having a day job will give you the flexibility to take risks and make mistakes without putting all your eggs in one basket.

Knife Design to Knife Making: How To Get Started

Research & Learn everything you possibly can

The knife business is a specialized industry that requires a deep understanding of knives and their various uses. If you’re considering starting a knife-making business, it’s crucial to immerse yourself in the world of knives.

Dive into research, and read about their captivating history, intricate designs, and the delicate art of manufacturing. Understanding knife history can help you gain insight into the different styles and designs that have been popular throughout history and why. This knowledge could help you to create unique designs that stand out in the market and meet the needs of your target audience.

One of the most critical aspects of knife-making is understanding the different types of knives and their uses. Awareness of this can help knife makers to produce knives that are suitable for specific tasks, such as filleting fish or chopping vegetables.

Deep knowledge of the manufacturing process can empower knife designers and makers to create top-quality knives. Ultimately, a thorough understanding of knife history, types, design, and manufacturing can ensure the production of unique, high-quality knives that stand out and resonate with your target audience.

To become a successful full-time knifemaker, it’s not enough to just love what you do and provide quality work. Understanding and implementing basic business concepts are equally important to building and maintaining a long-term, successful enterprise.

Attending knife shows and conferences is a smart thing to do to learn from industry experts and network with other professionals. It’s also a good idea to take courses or workshops to develop specialized skills, such as sharpening or engraving. Remember, there is no limit to the things you can learn as long as you are persistent. 

The more you know about knives and knife-related skills, the bigger your chances are of thriving in the knife business. By combining your passion for knife making with a strong understanding of business concepts and industry knowledge, you can build a successful and sustainable enterprise.

Connect with like-minded people

Networking is an essential factor in the success of any business, and the knife industry is no exception. It is, therefore, crucial to connect with like-minded people, including other knife enthusiasts, manufacturers, retailers, and distributors.

To do this, you can attend local knife shows and events, join online forums and social media groups, and reach out to industry professionals for advice and guidance. Remember, building a network of contacts can help you you can stay up-to-date with industry trends and opportunities.

You can also gain insights into the latest techniques and technologies, learn about new knife designs and sharpening methods, and get referrals to potential customers. Connecting with like-minded people can help you expand your business, increase your revenue, and establish yourself effectively in the knife business.

Evaluate your progress and ask yourself if it was what you expected

Starting any business is a significant undertaking that requires a lot of time, effort, and dedication. Therefore, it’s crucial to ask yourself if the knife business is what you expected before committing to it fully.

While knife making may start as a hobby, turning it into a viable business requires more than just making and selling knives. It would help if you considered the risks, challenges, and potential rewards of the knife industry before diving in.

It’s essential, to be honest with yourself about your goals and aspirations and determine whether the knife business is the right fit for you.

Remember, it’s not just about making and selling knives; you need buyers, money for materials, and an outlet for your work. Therefore, it’s crucial to assess whether you have the passion, enthusiasm, and business acumen to turn your knife-making hobby into a successful enterprise.

If you’ve looked into it and realized that you’ve thought about it from different angles and braced yourself for the potential outcomes, then you can proceed and exert more effort and dedication into the business, which would entail developing a thorough plan.

Create a plan

Now that you got your feet wet and you’re clear that knife design, knife making, or the knife business, in general, is calling you, create a plan to further your success.   

Put goals in place with a date to further your plan and don’t get discouraged if you do not accomplish a goal by a certain date. Even if you fail to accomplish something, you can always repromise the date and continue aiming for progress.

The idea of checking off what you have accomplished and adding new measures is a great way to increase productivity and accountability. By keeping track of what has been accomplished, you can see progress and know what still needs to be done. This method also allows you to prioritize tasks and ensure that important tasks are completed first.

However, it is important to recognize that pushing yourself too hard can lead to burnout and decreased productivity. It’s essential to take breaks and rest when needed to avoid becoming tired and stressed out.

This can be achieved by utilizing the expertise of others and delegating tasks that you are not skilled in to others who are.

If doubt ever creeps in, remember, at one point this was only a dream and you are a moment away from achieving your goals. Keep the dream going. Do it while having fun!

Knife Design to Knife Making: How To Get Started

Embrace Criticism And Your Uniqueness

How To Take Criticism

Learning to take criticism is a skill that is honed over time and even then there is potential for one’s emotions or passion for their art to get the best of them. It requires cultivating a mindset that embraces growth and improvement. 

While it can be challenging to detach oneself from personal attachment to their work, recognizing that constructive criticism for what it is-is crucial. It enables us to approach feedback with an objective and discerning lens, separating our own ego from the evaluation of our creations.

In the creative realm, there will always be different perspectives and opinions. Embracing this diversity of viewpoints allows us to gather valuable insights and refine our craft.

Constructive criticism acts as a guiding compass, pointing out areas where we can enhance our designs, optimize functionality, or better serve the needs of our customers.

Moreover, understanding that criticism is not always motivated by ill intentions is essential. Some individuals may leverage criticism as a means to profit or gain attention, but by maintaining objectivity, we can discern between genuine feedback and opportunistic exploitation.

By staying focused on the constructive aspect of criticism, we can extract valuable nuggets of wisdom and incorporate them into our work.

Ultimately, the ability to receive criticism with an open mind and objectivity is a testament to one’s commitment to continuous improvement.

It is through this process that we can refine our designs, elevate our craftsmanship, and ultimately create products that resonate with a broader audience. This was valuable insight that I had to learn and I sincerely hope that it resonates with you as well, inspiring your own growth and artistic journey.

Carving Your Own Path

Your unique perspective and individuality in design are not only valued but also needed. Each person brings their own creative flair and distinct ideas to the table, contributing to the vibrant tapestry of knife design.

Embrace your uniqueness, for it is through your innovative approach that you can capture the attention and admiration of those seeking something truly special.

As an artist, I have learned over the years that not all of my designs appeal to everyone. As a designer who also engages in manufacturing, my objective is to create the utmost quality. 

However, depending on a customer’s financial circumstances, their preference for comfort, and their personal history with knives, they may not necessarily seek to find the best of the best.

In fact, they may not fully grasp all the painstakingly added features within a product. Their focus might be more on the price point, and that is perfectly understandable. As manufacturers, it is vital for us to listen to our customers and their specific requirements.

There will always be individuals who desire to purchase the most exquisite knife, but may never actually utilize it. Their intention might be to showcase it to their friends, and that could be the extent of its purpose. 

Meanwhile, they would carry a more utilitarian “beater” knife for everyday tasks. This is one of the reasons why I decided to create the Eutektik brand. It’s crucial to acknowledge the existence of a diverse market with varying preferences and needs.

Embarking on the journey from knife design to knife making can be an exciting and rewarding endeavor. By honing your skills, staying curious, and embracing the challenges along the way, you can pave a path toward success in the dynamic world of the knife business.

So, grab your tools, unleash your creativity, and make your mark in this timeless craft. Happy knife-making!